Herbed Kale Chips

When prepared properly, Kale Chips will kind of melt in your mouth with an explosion of nutty flavorfulness and a surprisingly satisfying crunch. Kale hasn't been fully appreciate until it's been enjoyed this way! This week we suggest you try kneading your kale in an olive oil herb marinade, rather than the typical Olive Oil and Salt mixture we've suggested before.

1. Chop up your kale in bite sized pieces, eliminating the toughest part of the stalk, set aside.
2. Blend a mixture of herbs in the cuisinart with an 1/8 cup of California Olive Oil.
 (If you haven't visited Temecula Olive Oil's on-line ordering site, you might be interested in joining their Olive Oil CSA: http://www.temeculaoliveoil.com/index.php/olive-oil-club.html. Thom, the owner/farmer is a dedicated olive tree grower, and has provided Morning Song Farm with their 100 olive trees. We're not in production yet (and when we are, Thom has offered to process our olives for us!)
3. Add salt to taste.
4. In a large bowl, combine the herb marinade with the kale and dive in. Kids love doing this part! Knead the herb and oil mixture into the kale; coating each leaf and breaking down the kale's fibers int he process.
5. Lay down on a cookie sheet one layer thick and dehydrate at 250 until crispy.
6. Serve warm as you would popcorn, or top salads or caseroles with your chips in lieu of croutons.


Mike and Amie said…
Made them! Loved them!

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Harvest Shot April 8-9 2014