Grapefruit Sorbet with Kumquat Reduction and Black Raspberry Liquer
Here's a quick recipe for an impressive dessert:
First prepare a kumquat reduction, see recipe under "Kumquat" at right.
You'll also need to purchase Chambord, which is a black Raspberry Liquer (optional)
Makes 6 servings
3/4 cup sugar
1 and a half cups of fresh grapefruit juice
pinch of salt
In a saucepan, heat 1 1/2 cups of water and the sugar over medium-high heat, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Stir in the grapefruit jice and the salt. Transfer to an ice cream maker and freeze according toi the manufacturer's instructions.
Or: freeze the recipe in an old-fashioned ice-cube tray and then using a Vita-Mix or other heavy-duty blender, puree the frozen cubes until velvetey smooth. Pour into a bowl, freeze for an hour or so; and then scoop into serving bowls, top with your Kumquat reduction and a spash of Chambord.
First prepare a kumquat reduction, see recipe under "Kumquat" at right.
You'll also need to purchase Chambord, which is a black Raspberry Liquer (optional)
Makes 6 servings
3/4 cup sugar
1 and a half cups of fresh grapefruit juice
pinch of salt

Or: freeze the recipe in an old-fashioned ice-cube tray and then using a Vita-Mix or other heavy-duty blender, puree the frozen cubes until velvetey smooth. Pour into a bowl, freeze for an hour or so; and then scoop into serving bowls, top with your Kumquat reduction and a spash of Chambord.