
Showing posts from 2022

Carissa Plums, the Edible Hedge

I was introduced to the Carissa Plum, aka Carissa Macrocarpa or Natal Plum 30 years ago by Rosalind Creasy's Edible Landscaping when edible landscaping was cutting edge. They're happier in coastal, zone 24 than here at Morning Song Farm in zone 22, but they're hanging in here on our farm. No commercial value, but I've always enjoyed the fruit. And the flowers infuse the surrounding breeze with the strong scent of jasmine. Who wouldn't want a Carissa in their garden? The cherry red fruit doesn't ship well, and is best eaten right off the bush. Although the fruit and flowers can appear year round, the best flush of fruit...enough to make jams or pies, is now!
 Come on out and meet George and his crew. Peacocks and peahens are omnivores and enjoy small morsels of tasty treats. They don't have teeth of course, so can't do anything with a large offering. They LOVE raisons, blueberries, seeds, crumbled nuts, and most things that humans enjoy. We don't feed them poultry or eggs of course.

Alpacas love their treats!

 Silverado and Dusty can have their brotherly arguments, but one thing they can agree on, is they love their treats. Silverado is the bossy one, and there's not anything we can do about that. He puts up quite a fuss if he isn't accorded the privilege of first right of refusal, so he'll usually butt his bro out of the way for the first tasty morsel. If there's two visitors offering treats, a few feet apart, there's nothing he can do about Dusty getting to enjoy a treat at the same moment he's enjoying his treat, so we recommend that if his bossiness bugs ya.