Carissa Plums, the Edible Hedge

I was introduced to the Carissa Plum, aka Carissa Macrocarpa or Natal Plum 30 years ago by Rosalind Creasy's Edible Landscaping when edible landscaping was cutting edge. They're happier in coastal, zone 24 than here at Morning Song Farm in zone 22, but they're hanging in here on our farm. No commercial value, but I've always enjoyed the fruit. And the flowers infuse the surrounding breeze with the strong scent of jasmine. Who wouldn't want a Carissa in their garden? The cherry red fruit doesn't ship well, and is best eaten right off the bush. Although the fruit and flowers can appear year round, the best flush of fruit...enough to make jams or pies, is now!


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Harvest Ticket, Page One

Harvest Shot April 8-9 2014