Parsley Potatoes

Here's a quick recipe for this week's amazing parsley:

2 pounds potatoes, peeled and cut

1/2 cup butter, melted (if you've never churned your own butter, this is a great recipe to try with your own butter....simply choose pure cream (no additives...yes read the label..most basic grocery stores order and sell cream with preservatives). Pour into a mixer's bowl. Whip until the buttermilk separates from the butter. Pour off buttermilk and reserve for another use. What remains is pure butter. Salt lightly to taste.

1/2 cup finely chopped parsley. I use a Cuisinart for this, but a good knife will do the job

one crushed garlic clove

Cook potatoes until tender but DONT overdo. Drain and combine with butter and parsley; and garlic. Gently toss ingredients and salt to taste. Serve warm.


K.M said…
I just made the parsley potatoes and they are delicious! Thanks for the great recipes, and fresh produce!

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