Upcoming Meetup Events Posted

I've wrestled for years with how to get the word out to our CSA members and local food supporters, when we'd like to announce an event....and am excited about the prospects of our new Farm Meetup group. You don't have to be a member of the farm's CSA to join the Meetup, participate in events, volunteer days, announced tours, and potlucks. We haven't had much interest in advancing gatherings such as potlucks for our farm CSA members, but I think by making it easier to find out about, perhaps we can change that.

Here's our Meetup link: http://www.meetup.com/Morning-Song-Farm-local-organic-farm-connection/

We have two upcoming events.
Morning Song Farm offers tours to the wholesale tour industry, and occasionally a tour company allows us to offer tickets to an existing event. Date: this Friday, September 12, 2014; 10:00-1:00.

We've scheduled our beginning Cheese Making class for this month for the last Sunday of September, which lands on September 28th. You can use the same link above to get there, as well.


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