Harvest Ticket June 5-6 2012

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This has been a fun week, and our boxes reflect the excitement. Our Spring mix salad bags are getting more diverse as we add more spicy baby leaves to our mix; along with Sara's selection of the farm's edible flowers.
Fava Beans this week! The photo at the left is a shot of favas just off the barbeque, which is one great way to prepare them. Others enjoy favas mashed, pureed and spread on crackers as high fiber, healthy appetizer. You can also shell and cook them like peas or lima beans as well.
Here's a link to Fava Bean nutritional facts:
Favas are not beans, actually at all; but a member of the pea family, which explains why they're grown in the cooler season, rather than in the summer with real beans. Here in Southern California, Favas are planted in late September. The fava is a staple of Mediterranean cuisine, but is only showing up in chef's recipes in the last decade or so here. they're high in fiber (a single serving provides 85% of the RDV) and they're high in iron (30% of a day's requirement).
You'll also find turnips in the large shares; my favorite way to enjoy them is like mashed potatoes; a spicier, more complex potato that's for sure!
And our sprout mix is quite diversified with three distinct kinds of sprouts; an Italitan mix, radishes and the grain, amaranth.
We're at the end of 2012's avocado harvest; we're still including the last of the fruit out in the grove, but they sure are small and unimpressive.
I'm making the Fava Bean dip right now.