Fava Beans and Rosemary with Chives

Thanks to Chef Adriana Flemming for this recipe:
Fava beans blanched and peeled
1/2 tsp. finely chopped rosemary
1/4 cupe olive oil
salt to taste
3 sliced kumquats, seeded
1 TBS finely chopped chives
1 TBS lemon zest (use the Eureka, not the Pakistani)
1 TBS lemon juice (use the Eureka, not the Pakistani)
Warm pita chips

Put blanced and peeled favas into blender with olive oil, lemon juice and a pinch of salt.

Transfer to a mixing bowl and mix in chopped rosemary and lemon zest.
Put in central serving bowl, garnish with chives and kumquats, and arrange warm or toasted pita bread around the outside.

Adriana mentions that this simple puree is also a great compliment to fish,m scallops, and squid.


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Harvest Shot April 8-9 2014