Stealing My Fruit

So, it's just an ongoing issue out here on our farm. Really, the whole front 4 acres of the property is targeted regularly, by folks that genuinely do not think they are actually stealing when confronted. What is it about Morning Song Farm that otherwise normal looking people think it's "not stealing" when they park their vehicle, get out, swinging their harvest bucket at their side and help themselves to the farm's tree fruits? Someone maybe can help me out here, because it just confounds me. Truly, I remain incredulous. I just confronted yet another thief...this one with his small child acting as accomplice. Really, you parental idiot? If I was a's my face that this gentleman got confronted with...with pleasantries exchanged, to match the face. His response? He didn't "mean" to steal anything. Oh KAY I asked him, "You didn't MEAN to steal from us? So you ACCIDENTALLY fell out of your car, after parking your...