Harvest Ticket August 7-8 2012

Click on image to enlarge for easier viewing. What's unusual this week is the purslane that you'll find in clamshells. We're excited to get it back in our boxes this week. Purslane boasts some stellar Omegas besides its signitaure crunch! Eat raw in salads or serve with dip as in the image below.

Daughter Tessa discovered an enormous bumper crop of our normally meager sour wild grapes. Too late to get in any but the trade in shares on Tuesday, we put our wild grapes in all shares on Wednesday. Yes, they're somewhat sour, but so tiny that they can be enjoyed by anyone--even sour grape haters; just throw in a smoothie if you like your grapes sweet. These are seedless and really flavorful!


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Harvest Ticket, Page One

Harvest Shot April 8-9 2014