Harvest Ticket March 20/21 Page One

CCOF Certified Organic strawberries.
We had hoped to have radishes in all boxes this week, but the cold, despite the added protection of plastic hoops, has resulted in our radishes sitting in the cold soil, sulking. Normally by March, Morning Song Farm has, as my friend Joe from Jr's Farm joked, "cornered the market on radishes." Ok, they're one of the easier root veggies to grow.
Lots more Cheno (lamb's quarters) coming along nicely, we can't wait to have bunches back in our boxes. And we're eyeing those mulberries!
Students from the Jewish Farm School flew in last week and helped on the farm. Together we worked on blackberry pruning, weed eradication, fencing the newest row crop area from our ever-present squirrel population, and working on restoring the fire damaged west avocado grove. Whew! Unbelievable amount of work accomplished!
I think we'll have leafy fennel in the boxes next week which is an herb that has the scent of licorce. I love to throw it on the barbeque with chicken or asparagus.
Greetings from Pennsylvania!
We hope all those avocados and limes are now ripe and delicious! They were picked with love.
We miss you all very much.
-Dave and the rest of the JFS