Harvest Ticket Feb. 7-8, 2012 Page One

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Well, we're still harvesting macadamias, meager harvest that it is. Our nuts are delivered to you in their raw state which is quite different from the ones you may have enjoyed in Hawaii or from the grocery store here. Most macadamia nuts are dehydrated for shelf life purposes which makes them crunchier. Many are roasted in coconut oil with salt added, which makes them even more calerie dense than they are straight from the tree. Originally, we sold MSF's macadamias at the Santa Monica farmer's market both raw and dehydrated. We found it hard to keep the two kinds separated, and that was worrisome because the raw foodists at that market were pretty vigilant about not eating anything that had been heated. So we decided to just offer the raw version, and sold out every week with a lot less work and worry. We've never gone back to dehydrating our nuts. The downside, is that they must be cracked out the day we deliver, so one of us is spending Tuesday and Wednesday mornings cracking and packaging macadamia nuts now. Although raw nuts have more shelf life than say, apricots, without the dehydrating or roasting process, the raw macadamia still needs to be consumed within a week after cracking open.
We're back in sprout production, and this week's offering is a cool blend of clover, arugula, cress, radish, fenugreek and dill sprouts. You'll see kumquats back in the boxes this week, check out numerous recipes posted a couple of weeks ago. Click on "Kumquats" at the right and they'll all come up.