Although I have to admit I mostly just eat my feijoas out of hand, CSA members have asked what else can be done with the short but abundant harvest. With 3 grams of protein in one cup of pureed (243g) fruit, feijoas have more protein than a banana and 4 times the calcium. Although they have less potassium than a banana, they still pack a whopping 377 mg per cup, and boast almost 50mg of vitamin C and they're a good source of Folate. But enough of the numbers, this receipe adapted from's receipe of many years ago, is a favorite: 3 cups of flour 2 tablespoons baking powder 1 cup powdered sugar. (I use regular sugar and Vitamix my sugar until it's fine.) 3 fresh eggs 1 1/4 cups milk (not ultra-pasturized) 1 1/2 cups feijoas, peeled and finely chopped 1/2 cup butter Ingredients for glaze: 2 tablespoons powdered sugar 2 tablespoons lime/kumquat or lemon juice juice and zest of 2 limes or lemons Directions: Sift the flower, baking powder a...