Fried Purslane and Cilantro Garlic Dipping Sauce

We're enjoying perfect purslane weather here in North San Diego and our CSA boxes reflect the bounty.

Ground bread crumbs
Beaten eggs
Cold pressed coconut or olive oil

Combine a half cup of flour with a teaspoon of sea salt.
Rinse your Purslane to remove any sand and then roll them in your flour/salt mixture.
Now dip in the beaten eggs.
Cover each stalk piece with bread crumbs

Fry or sauté each stalk until golden brown, and serve with a simple dipping sauce:
16 oz. of unflavored yogurt
3 cloves of fresh garlic
1/2 teaspoon of salt
dash of tabasco
cup of chopped cilantro

Combine cilantro, salt, tabasco, and crushed garlic in a Cuisinart and pulse until smooth. Add yogurt and pulse until combined. Refrigerate until serving.


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