Liz and John Schmidt, among our original supporters here at Morning Song Farm, have moved to Oregon and  have continued their avid support of all things healthy and organic. They sent this email to me yesterday, and I thought I'd share it (with permission) with my CSA subscribers:
At the risk of appearing obsessed about this subject, we would like to again STRONGLY encourage you to vote YES ON PROPOSITION 37 on November 6th so you can know if Genetically Modified Organisms are in your food. If the proposition passes, many believe it will be the beginning of the end of GMOs in our world…this would be an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT benefit to your health and that of future generations.


As you may have realized, the $35 million biotech-funded media blitz to convince Californians that we don’t need to know what’s in our food is now in full swing. And their lies are, unfortunately, reducing the strong lead the initiative had just a couple weeks ago. It would be truly tragic for the measure to fail…please help spread the truth about this important vote.


Last night we heard a talk in Medford by renowned GMO expert Jeffrey M. Smith. We already knew a lot about GMOs, but the information he presented blew our socks off. I can’t begin to explain it in concise terms, but the host organization recorded the talk and it will be available online soon. In the meantime, Jeffrey announced that the Institute for Responsible Technology is showing his film, Genetic Roulette, online for free again through October 17 (next Wednesday). Please do yourself, your children, and the earth a favor and find time to watch it SOON!


See the film here: (FREE viewing through October 17)



Please pass this along to your friends and family. Our children and future generations (seriously) need your help. This issue is unbelievably far-reaching, and Prop. 37 allows YOU to do something about it…please do not let this opportunity pass us by!


P.S. If you want a concise read, here is a link to the article we sent you a couple weeks ago: Since we published it, shocking results of a 2-year French study showing GMO-fed rats developed cancerous tumors and multiple organ damage were released.



Liz & John Schmidt


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